
Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja!
Jag har väntat och hoppats, förlorat hoppet, sett nya rykten och börjat hoppas igen, jag har hoppats och väntat. Väntat och väntat. Igår tänkte jag ge upp hoppet för tredje eller fjärde gången men nu! Herregud, det är helt fantastiskt, äntligen efter fyra års tystnad är det dags igen.
 Ja, herregud, jag är så jävla glad så det finns inte. Tack tack tack! :'D  

Glädje igen.

Ja, jag vet att jag har lovat att inte skriva nåt mer om bond i bloggen, men eftersom denna nyhet gör mig överlycklig mitt i all stressen som kom idag så måste jag bara posta detta:

Hello All,
Bond's new album has been pushed back and is now scheduled for sometime between September and November, 2008 and not for Spring 2008. Bond's new record company MAY be EMI, but NOTHING IS DEFINITE YET!!!
Hopefully we will receive some more info about it soon, but for now that's all I have for the bond community.

Plus lite bloggstatistik:
Jag harigenomsnitt 2 besökare per dag.
Toppnotering 18 besökare den 6 Januari

Tid på denna blogg: ca 6 månader
Totalt antal inlägg: 68

På bättre humör nu :p

Det här är allt jag har att säga...


"Beavis Chegwin is the name of bond's imaginary stylist. They created him after people kept asking who their stylist was"

xD Ja, jag säger då det. Hm, vad kan man säga om den här dagen då? Jag har gått och dragit på mig en rejäl förkylning :( dock ännu inte så hemsk att jag måste stanna hemma men man får väl se hur saker och ting artar sig..

Naej, jag vet inte vad mer jag ska skriva nu. Ville bara skriva upp det där någonstans..

Ingen idé att läsa detta :P

Intervju med bond i eiffeltornet (med franska textremsor :P)

Gay-yee: Hi, I'm Gay-yee and I play cello in bond.
Tania: And I'm Tania and I play viola in bond.
Haylie: I'm Haylie and I play first violin in bond.
Eos: I'm Eos and I play second violin in bond.
Eos: Well, we call ourselves bond because we were all sitting around in rehearsal one day and we were trying to think about a name, and at the time there was a whole series of james Bond films on, and we just thought that bond was a really good name because it's kind of the bond of friendship between us and that's kind of what we go on more, and the album's called born because it's our first album and it's a kind of, starting from..nowhere really, I mean, that's why it's a very broad album, there's lots of different styles on it.
Haylie: We're a string quartet, so it's a string quartet for, which is a classical form which, we're not copying anything, it's something that's original, and it's good because each instrument plays a different role and there's a wide range in terms of dephts, like Gay-yee plays cello and on some tracks she's even played bass, right up at top of the violin, so it gives us a lot of scope what we can do, in terms of different types of music and, I mean, we can do anything we want, really, which is quite exciting.
Gay-yee: Collectively we draw on tons and tons of different styles of music, I mean, we're all classically trained originally, anyway, but we also love so many other styles, you know, hip hop, jazz, soul
Tania: it's kind of eiffel tower, being as large in france, we've never actually done any television before in France, this is the first really, so it's really exciting, because we've kind of released every where else in Europe, except for france, for some reason, so this is it.
Haylie: We've got a five-album-doom, so we've got four more albums to after this, but we're just concentrating on Born, which s the album that's out now, and we're promoting until june, we're gonna go to America and Australia and Asia and then after that we start touring a concert tour, and sometime is that doing the next album.
Bond: Bonjour! Nous sommes bond sur I-television!

Läste du ända hit? Nae, stackars dig. Men jag varnade dig faktiskt! :p


Hej jag heter Karolin och jag är 25 år. Om ni vill läsa om mina många besattheter, tankar om livet och vardagsberättelser så är ni välkomna :)

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